All Classes and Interfaces

Implementation of a virtual drive for android.
Implementation of the IRealFile for Android using Storage Access Framework that supports read/write to external SD cards.
Class is a stream implementation wrapper for java streams that are retrieved from AndroidFile which support external SD cards.
Sequence parser for Android.
Implementation of a file observer that detects when a share file has been edited by external apps.
Base64 Proxy for Android.
Base64 encoder/decoder.
Backwards compatibility BiConsumer class for devices with Android 23 and prior.
Converts from/to: byte arrays, integral values, and hex strings.
Backwards compatibility Consumer class for devices with Android 23 and prior.
Encryption Mode
Facade class for file operations.
Class searches for files in a SalmonDrive by filename.
Functional interface to notify when result is found.
Event status types.
Backwards compatibility Function class for devices with Android 23 and prior.
Provides HMAC SHA-256 hashing.
Interface for Base64 conversion implementations.
Interface for hashing providers.
Proxy interface for use with native libraries for different platforms and operating systems.
Nonce sequencer.
Serializes/Deserializes nonce sequences.
Wrapper stream of RandomAccessStream to a native InputStream implementation.
Thrown when data are corrupt or tampered with.
Interface that represents a real file.
Contract for the encryption/decryption transformers.
Provides key derivation based on text passwords.
SalmonDrive implementation for standard Java file API.
Salmon RealFile implementation for Java.
An advanced Salmon File Stream implementation for java files.
Memory Stream for seeking, reading, and writing to a memory buffer (modeled after C# MemoryStream).
Proxy class for use with windows native library.
Represents a nonce sequence for a specific device.
Sequencer status.
Pbkdf algorithm implementation type.
Pbkdf implementation type.
AES provider types.
Base class for read-write seekable streams.
Used to identify the start offset for seeking to a stream.
Abstract class for AES256 transformer implementations.
Salmon AES transformer implemented with AES intrinsics.
Device Authorization Configuration.
Thrown when there is a failure in the nonce sequencer.
Utility class that decrypts byte arrays.
Global options for salmon operations.
Provides pbkdf algorithm.
Salmon AES transformer based on the javax.crypto routines.
Class provides an abstract virtual drive that can be extended for use with any filesystem ie disk, net, cloud, etc.
Represents a configuration file for a drive.
Utility class generates internal secure properties for the drive.
Encryption keys and properties.
Provides generic Base64 encoder utility.
Encrypts byte arrays.
A virtual file backed by an encrypted IRealFile on the real filesystem.
Facade class for file operations.
Useful comparators for SalmonFile.
Implementation of a Java InputStream for seeking and reading a SalmonFile.
Class will be used to cache decrypted data that can later be read via the ReadAt() method without requesting frequent decryption reads.
Generates nonces based on a sequencer backed by a file.
Utility class that generates secure random byte arrays.
Header embedded in the SalmonStream.
Provide operations for calculating, storing, and verifying data integrity.
This class provides a parallel processing seekable source for encrypted media content
Generic Native AES transformer.
Utility provides nonce operations.
Generates security keys based on text passwords.
Creates AES transformer implementations.
Thrown when maximum nonce range is exceeded.
Read and Write to Windows registry
Salmon generic security exception.
Serializes sequences for all the drives the device is authorized.
Stream decorator provides AES256 encryption and decryption of stream.
Provides a local stream handler to read a SalmonFile as a source to apps that cannot use SalmonFileInputStream directly.
Utility class that encrypts and decrypts text strings.
Utility class that encrypts and decrypts text strings.
Creates an AES transformer object.
Thrown when there is a failure in the nonce sequencer.
Backwards compatibility Function class for devices with Android 23 and prior.
Salmon AES transformer implemented with TinyAES backend.
Backwards compatibility TriConsumer class for devices with Android 23 and prior.
File Sequencer for Windows with tamper protection.