Class SalmonDecryptor


public class SalmonDecryptor extends Object
Utility class that decrypts byte arrays.
  • Constructor Summary

    Instantiate an encryptor.
    SalmonDecryptor(int threads)
    Instantiate an encryptor with parallel tasks and buffer size.
    SalmonDecryptor(int threads, int bufferSize)
    Instantiate an encryptor with parallel tasks and buffer size.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Close the decryptor and release associated resources
    decrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] nonce, boolean hasHeaderData)
    Decrypts a byte array using parallel threads.
    decrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] nonce, boolean hasHeaderData, boolean integrity, byte[] hashKey, Integer chunkSize)
    Decrypt a byte array using AES256 based on the provided key and nonce.
    protected void

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • SalmonDecryptor

      public SalmonDecryptor()
      Instantiate an encryptor.
    • SalmonDecryptor

      public SalmonDecryptor(int threads)
      Instantiate an encryptor with parallel tasks and buffer size.
      threads - The number of threads to use.
    • SalmonDecryptor

      public SalmonDecryptor(int threads, int bufferSize)
      Instantiate an encryptor with parallel tasks and buffer size.
      threads - The number of threads to use.
      bufferSize - The buffer size to use. It is recommended for performance to use a multiple of the chunk size if you enabled integrity otherwise a multiple of the AES block size (16 bytes).
  • Method Details

    • decrypt

      public byte[] decrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] nonce, boolean hasHeaderData) throws IOException
      Decrypts a byte array using parallel threads.
      data - The input data to be decrypted.
      key - The AES key to use for decryption.
      nonce - The nonce to use for decryption.
      hasHeaderData - The header data.
      The output buffer containing the decrypted data.
      IOException - Thrown if there is an error with the stream.
      SalmonSecurityException - Thrown if there is a security exception
      IntegrityException - Thrown if the data are corrupt or tampered with.
    • decrypt

      public byte[] decrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] nonce, boolean hasHeaderData, boolean integrity, byte[] hashKey, Integer chunkSize) throws IOException
      Decrypt a byte array using AES256 based on the provided key and nonce.
      data - The input data to be decrypted.
      key - The AES key to use for decryption.
      nonce - The nonce to use for decryption.
      hasHeaderData - The header data.
      integrity - Verify hash integrity in the data.
      hashKey - The hash key to be used for integrity.
      chunkSize - The chunk size.
      The byte array with the decrypted data.
      IOException - Thrown if there is a problem with decoding the array.
      SalmonSecurityException - Thrown if the key and nonce are not provided.
      IOException - Thrown if there is an IO error.
      IntegrityException - Thrown if the data are corrupt or tampered with.
    • close

      public void close()
      Close the decryptor and release associated resources
    • finalize

      protected void finalize()
      finalize in class Object